Thursday, February 3, 2011

Diocese Adopts 6-Point Strategy To Save Schools

Editor’s Note:  Here are the six elements of “Covenant to Educate,” the Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany’s strategic plan for parochial schools.

Governance: A shared governance structure will be implemented by the Diocese to drive a centralized, cooperative and streamlined capacity to lead, resource and brand Diocesan schools as a unified franchise.
Diocesan schools will form an educational cooperative that is accountable for working collaboratively to advance the mission of the Catholic Church.
This includes joint marketing efforts, similar tuition structures, shared teachers and other means to communicate a common mission and be accountable to meeting high standards.
Diocesan schools will achieve significant economies of scale and uniform approaches by sharing numerous centralized services ...  (including links with colleges).
Diocesan schools benefit from a central authority that sees accessibility and affordability of Catholic education as critical issues. The CEO/superintendent of Diocesan Schools will supervise all aspects of the educational program, collaborating with the local pastor in the appointment and supervision of the building principal.

Church-School Alliance: A “Church-School Alliance” will recognize that the interests of the church and Diocesan Schools are mutual and inextricable, and will strengthen parish life and lead to increased enrollment and participation, essentially working together to advance the value of Catholic education.
The schools and all of the parishes within the Diocese are to be mutually supportive and committed to partner in the Diocese in a variety of ways supportive of a unified school system.

Branding: Diocesan schools will commit to a multi-year branding initiative that promotes the franchise, communicates core Catholic values, student-centered learning and delivers on brand promise. The effort will be designed to see that Diocesan Schools are recognized as a distinct franchise with unique messaging, which enlarges the community of support for Catholic education and requires commitment from all parishes, all pastors, all school principals and all local school boards.
The greater community ultimately will understand the value, power and importance of good communications and the Catholic “brand.” Diocesan schools will be recognized and respected for their distinct contribution to the educational constellation, and as a result students and their parents will seek information about the Diocesan Schools; enrollment will increase; alumni will remain engaged and supportive; donor engagement will increase; and educator recruitment will be invigorated.
Teaching/Learning Excellence: Diocesan schools will be recognized and respected for a distinct combination of academic excellence and faith-based education. Diocesan school educators are highly proficient in the development of 21st century skills and are committed to continuous improvement of their practice through reflection about how instruction can model and promote innovation.
Students are challenged by state-of-the-art curricula that focus on core academic subjects as well as subject matter that ensures global awareness, technological understanding and proficiency, exposure to the arts, flexibility and nimbleness in addressing the skill needs of the 21st century and the spiritual underpinnings taught through the Catholic faith.  This responsive curricula is evaluated regularly and changes over time.
Diocesan schools recognize that the quality of their educators has the greatest impact on students; they demand, recruit and hire excellent administrators and teachers and employ only those who create vibrant, innovative and creative learning environments for students.
Diocesan schools develop standards and assessments that go above and beyond the New York State Learning Standards and Assessments.
Diocesan schools are student-centered, and educators embrace and value students of all learning styles and differentiate instruction accordingly. At the same time, Diocesan schools recognize parents, guardians and families as the primary educators and partner with them in the education of their children.

Partnerships: Diocesan schools will seek and sustain mutually beneficial partnerships with colleges and universities nationally and regionally, with businesses, government and the community. Diocesan schools will further extend course offerings to traditional K-12 students and the Catholic community with online courses and through collaboration with area businesses, colleges and universities. Students continue to have a distinct advantage when it comes to college acceptance and have a wide range of post-graduation opportunities.
Colleges as well as business and community leaders seek out Diocesan schools for partnerships in developing wide-ranging opportunities for learning and support for students and educators.
Diocesan schools stay on the cutting edge of emerging technologies and best business practices through partnerships with businesses.

Catholic Identity: Diocesan schools, grounded in the Catholic faith and tradition, will provide an environment where the Gospel values of Jesus are articulated and integrated throughout the curricular and co-curricular activities.\In partnership with local Catholic colleges, Diocesan schools offer faith formation training and programs to prepare teachers and administrators for Diocesan schools.
Educators are imbued with a sense of mission.They are prepared and trained to serve the Catholic mission as part of the expectation of their jobs.


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